UN and OPCW Documents
UN Security Council resolution S/RES/2118 (2013) on the Syrian Arab Republic
The OPCW Executive Council decision on the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, Sep. 28, 2013.
UN Syrian Chemical Weapons Report The final report released by the UN Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, assisted by OPCW and WHO personnel.
UN Factsheet summarizing the report on the investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in Ghouth Area of Damascus, Sep. 2013.
UN FAQs on UN Investigation in Syria:
Framework for Elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapons by US Dept. of State The press release describes in detail the framework for removal of chemical weapons from Syria.
National Intelligence Reports
US Assessment on Syrian CW Use by WH Press Secretary US unclassified report on Syrian CW use concluding August 21st attacks were carried out by Assad’s forces.
UK Intel Assessment on Syrian CW Use by UK Joint Intelligence Organisation British unclassified report on Syrian CW use.
French Intel Report on Syrian CW Use (in French). An English translation by Ms. Cheryl Rofer.
Syria’s Chemical Weapons by Congressional Research Service Report on Syria’s use of chemical weapons during the civil war.
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Weapons
- Chemical weapons
- Biological weapons
- Delivery Systems
- The Middle East